I don’t want to bore you with the mundane details of today: the computer technician that came in to set up my new systems, or the bookkeeper that came to do her work. The highlight of today was hearing my client say they were going for the more expensive hardware that I had researched and specified two months ago! I’ve been working on the details with the manufacturer for a while. The end finials are a beautiful filigree and the finish will be an oil rubbed bronze. Nothing else I have seen has been so lovely for the project. And I firmly believe that all of the small details are what really make for an exceptional project. I’m really excited about this!
I also spent some time researching lighting for a Hall. Sometimes I will go to an online distributor like Lamps Plus, other times I will search on each of the manufacturer’s websites. Years ago we researched through paper catalogs, but now we can cover so much more ground online! Sometimes when I am in the midst of researching lighting I may look at thousands in one day. But I always know the style, the general shape and dimensions of what I needs, so those “thousands” don’t take so long to scroll through! Today, I found two that I liked and emailed links to my client for her approval.
I also worked with one of my furniture dealers to find a substitute for an expensive high-end sectional sofa. My client and I LOVE the Italian sectional I found, but it’s not working well within the budget. IF we can find a substitute, then there may be room for those great chairs we’re looking at!!