It’s been a busy few months: In-Site took part in the Massey Knackel Multifamily Summit where I sat on a panel for New Developments. The panelists, who included a mix of developers and real estate brokers and myself representing design, discussed the state of real estate developments, the best neighborhoods for growth and the various amenities that are being brought to market.
Before that, my team of NYC interior designers and I were involved in the Real Estate Expo which was a 2 day event of seminars for real estate professionals. I had the opportunity of being interviewed about the process of designing for apartment buildings…something I love doing. We take great pride in creating spaces that we know will be home to many people, knowing how important it is to make comfortable, functional and beautiful spaces. We also design the public spaces for the buildings: lobbies, recreation rooms and corridors. For these we strive to design spaces that are unique, exciting and memorable.